The Joy of the Embrace

It’s been a long day at work when I stop at school to pick up my little girl. I know where she’ll be, out back in the pavilion playing with the other after-school kids.  I start across the field and she sees me and smiles. As she begins to run toward me, I run toward her catching her up in my arms and swinging her around. The cares and worries of the day melt away in that precious moment.  
That day is now a memory for she has long grown taller than me.  I no longer swing her around, but still feel joy at her approach.   

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Do you ever feel distant from God? Perhaps you've felt close to Him before but no longer do. Or maybe you’ve never really felt His presence. Whether it was yesterday or hasn’t happened before, He is waiting for you- watching to see if and when you will return to Him. God doesn’t forsake us. When we feel separated from Him it is because we moved away.

In the Bible story of the prodigal son, the father watches anxiously for his son’s return. When finally the son approaches, there is no waiting for the son to walk to the house and knock on the door. In eagerness, the father lifts up his garments, to make certain he can move unhindered, and runs to his son. The father’s joy is great at the homecoming.

God is the father in the story. He waits for our return any time we are apart, searching eagerly for evidence of our homecoming. When we approach, He makes no mention of reprimand. It is enough that we saw the error of our ways and have come home. Is today, right now, your moment to run to Him?  

Message for the Journey:
Though children grow too big to be swept up in their parent’s arms, no one is ever too big or too old for God’s arms. He is waiting for you to come so that He may hold you near.  Go ahead; step into His loving embrace.
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
James 4:8a
©Ann Wilds

4 Tips for a Green Marriage

The soil in our yard leaves much to be desired. A mixture of sand and clay, combined with an abundance of trees, makes it difficult to grow a green lawn. But once we installed a sprinkler system in the backyard, the grass grew lusher and has even begun to spread. We learned quickly that the grass is greener when it’s watered.

 Over the years, we’ve witnessed lush marriages of others wither and die. It’s heartbreaking to see many spend more effort caring for their yard then on their relationship. To remain green, a marriage, too, needs to be fed and watered on a regular basis. Someone else can’t be hired to take care of it; both husband and wife must work to maintain it.

How can you keep yours green?

·        Water it with service-
Without being asked, do something for your spouse. Fill the car with gas, clean the kitchen, mow the yard. Find something that makes their life a little easier and do it well—without expecting anything, including thanks, in return.

·        Water it with praise-
Make it a habit to speak well of your spouse to them and to others. Be their biggest cheerleader and number one fan. Make sure that they know you believe in them and their dreams.

·        Water it with affection-
Human touch is both healing and bonding. Studies show it even reduces the negative effects of stress. Hug each other, hold hands, and kiss one another-not just hello or good-bye. And be sure that they know you love them. Speak the words.

·        Water it with prayer-
Prayer is the most nourishing water of all so use it freely. Pray, not for God to change them, but for their protection, direction, and wisdom. Pray that God makes you into everything they need in a spouse in order to become the person God intended them to be.

 Lesson for the Journey:

Grass soon withers and dies without refreshing water. So, too, it is with marriage. Don’t go in search of greener pastures. Nourish the one you have. The grass is always greener where it’s watered.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. “
Eph. 4:32

©Ann Wilds