Get the Deal of a Lifetime

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving when many stores slash their prices, is just around the corner. Some stores in town are opening as early as 3 a.m. Not being a shopper, it’s hard for me to imagine wanting to participate in the crowded madness. I am in the minority though because thousands of people across the country eagerly join in. There are so many who take advantage of these sales that there are multiple articles on-line and in print giving hints on how to best navigate the experience. If you are planning to hit the sales, you may want to consider some of the tips I’ve seen.

  • Arrive early for the best deals. Stores have limited numbers of the most discounted items and will run out. Some have turned to passing out tickets or numbers to those first in line so that they can be sure to be able to buy the super “door buster” big ticket items.
  • Prepare in advance for the long wait and the weather conditions. Some suggest bringing a cooler or thermos with beverages and snacks along with comfort items like chairs, sleeping bags and even portable heaters for the cold.
  • Dress appropriately. Wear comfortable shoes and dress in layers so that you are not sweltering when all the crowded bodies go inside.
  • Connect with the people in line. You may need someone to hold your spot if you need to go to the restroom or you may even agree to tag team in the store.
  • Bring family or friends along. You can split up for items in the store or one can stand in line at the register, allowing others to cut ahead, until you get there with the items to buy.

The list is a lot like life in general. We spend our childhood getting prepared to be able to provide for ourselves and our families as adults. We gather food for our sustenance and obtain housing and furnishings for our comfort. We own clothes and shoes to wear for every occasion. We develop relationships with those around us at work or in our neighborhood, learning to work together for our mutual benefit. We stay connected through our families and the friends we make and try to make our time as enjoyable as possible.

But what’s different is that no matter how comfortable or enjoyable the time in line is for even the best prepared shopper, they don’t forget why they are there. They know that the time in line is temporary, a prequel for the real event. When the doors open you won’t find any of them not rushing in for what they’ve waited for. Yet, sometimes we get so caught up in living this life; its demands, its comforts, its pleasures that we forget that it’s just a prequel too. We behave as if our spot in line is our real home instead of just a place to wait for the real event- eternity- to come.

As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season approaches lets keep our focus on the real reason we are waiting here in line. We were created for a purpose, not our pleasure; to love God, to love others and to share His light with the world. Let us not forget or allow ourselves to be sidetracked.

And unlike the special “door busters”, anyone in line can get the spectacular item. You don’t even have to buy it, Jesus already paid the price. But you do have to have His ticket to claim it. Wherever you are, whatever you’ve done, no matter your age, it doesn’t matter. Don’t pass up His offer of a deal of a lifetime. He freely gives a ticket to all. You don’t want to be caught without one when the doors of eternity open.

Give Thanks Newsletter

In this month of Thanksgiving, my thoughts have turned to the process of being thankful and what that means in our lives. It is my hope that within these pages you will find something to help you on your journey of gratitude. May God richly bless you today and everyday.

Edition Includes:
  • Hearer or Doer- Three reasons being thankful is an essential part of Christian life.
  • Oily Chains- What it takes to keep the wheels of a relationship turning.
  • Don't Count Sheep- Science explores the physical and psychological benefits of gratitude
  • Gratitude Building Regime- Developing a habit of thanksgiving
  • See, Hear & Feel- A tip to prevent stress from blocking the ability to count blessings

To view this newsletter or to sign up for newsletter updates, visit my web page

What's the Difference?

Have you ever considered how much power and influence you really have? Everything you do, every action you take or don’t take, has an impact. It may not show immediately, but it is there nevertheless. Even small actions have far-reaching impacts, sometimes even on the entire world. Consider Rosa Parks taking a seat, Mother Theresa helping one dying man, or even Ben Franklin flying his kite in a storm. Without their first small actions, much of our world would be different today. Within each of us is the same potential to affect great results through our action.

Yet inaction can have just as much of an impact. Consider how many people were opposed to the Holocaust but took no action to prevent it. That inaction helped further the very cause they stood against. James 4:17 even tells us that our very inaction can be sin when we know we should do something good and don’t.

While the impacts may not seem as grand or obvious as the examples touched on, the same axiom applies to everyday life. It doesn’t matter where you are; in an office, in the classroom, in the car, in the mall, or in your home. Every action or inaction you take has an impact somewhere on someone.

It is not your choice if you will make a difference. But it is your choice what that difference will be.

How to Avoid Insufficient Funds

Recently, a friend’s son learned a valuable lesson about banking. His account had come with a debit card and overdraft protection. Not realizing the consequences, he made several $1 charges that exceeded his balance. Each one incurred a penalty charge of $30 which he discovered when the statement came in. A pricey lesson learned.

What we sometimes fail to realize is that relationships are emotional bank accounts. Their balance is determined by the quality and length of the relationship. Each time we hurt, disappoint or anger someone, a withdrawal comes out of the account. When the balance gets low enough, we either pay a penalty or they close the account and go elsewhere.

When we interact with people in a way that they feel valued, a deposit is made in the account. Showing we care, listening to their needs and treating them with respect are all ways to make a deposit. With a higher balance, the relationship is strengthened and better able to withstand the inevitable mistakes and problems that arise.

Deeper relationships, like that with our spouse, come with built in overdraft protection. They generally have more room for forgiveness. The negative consequence of dipping into the account may take longer to be accessed but there is still a cost. And unfortunately in many marriages today the account gets so overdrawn that someone closes it and goes elsewhere.

The Bible is echoed in psychology in teaching us what fills up the sexes. While we each desire them all, women have a greater need to feel loved and desired while men have a greater need to feel valued and respected. When we take regular action to meet the emotional needs of our spouse, we ensure that our relationship’s bank account carries a healthy balance. Take the time to build up the balance and ensure that your relationship lasts a lifetime.

Ephesians 5:33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband

Beautiful Scars

     The girl huddled in the chair, a tangled ball of pain and anger. She held her legs pulled up close to her chest, her arms wrapped around her knees as if in protection. Her body was bruised and bloodied from her ordeal. Her wounds were now covered in bandages but shackles still held her legs. By her face, her emotions were plainly as tangled as her messy hair. It wasn’t clear whether fear or rage would win out, until she spoke.

     “” She spat out the words as the feral cat inside her hissed in frustration. “How can you, with your pampered and perfect life, have any idea what I’ve gone through?” She knew they were only trying to help but she was so frustrated. This lady couldn’t possibly understand her. She did feel much better with a full belly and the clean clothes they’d given her. And her tended wounds would heal in time; they always had. Now, if they would just leave her alone. She didn’t need anyone’s pity. She was a survivor.

     “I might, if you’d just let me try,” the counselor said. She’d been reaching out to her for days now. No matter what she said, her words bounced off the stone wall of the girl’s heart. With a sigh, she took off her jacket then poured herself a glass of water. It was getting warm in the room but from the temperature or the conversation she wasn’t sure.

     The girl’s eyes watched her movements closely from across the room. Her body tensed instinctively to flee if she came too close, a reflex from her troubled life. Closeness often meant great danger. She allowed herself to relax a little as she realized the counselor wasn’t coming near her. She was just moving to hang up her jacket. Her eyes gazed longingly at it as she hung it on the hook. She’d never touched, much less worn, anything so beautiful. She wondered what it would feel like on her skin. Suddenly her eyes froze in place. She recognized the marks that covered the counselor’s now bare arms immediately. “You have scars,” she spoke quietly.

     The counselor glanced over at her and then down at her arms. “Yes,” she smiled as she said, “I have many beautiful scars. I told you that I understood your pain.” She sat back down at the table and continued. “For much of my life, I was also a prisoner of war. Those that held you captive were my captors too. They relished in my torture. Yet, like you I was also rescued. And once I was here I was fully restored. You can be too, if you want.”

     “You are like me,” she said hesitantly. Maybe everything they’d told her since she’d been here was true. Could she really let herself have hope? “But I don’t understand. If you were rescued like me, why don’t you still have shackles? When I was in prison, they told me only they had the key and no one would ever free me. How did you get yours off?”

     “There is one who holds a master key that can open any lock of bondage” was the reply. “He can set you free and restore you with complete healing.”

     Where do I find this one”, the girl asked with desire in her voice. “And what will it cost?”, she added with fear.

     “I can take you to him. He’ll give the key freely to anyone who wants it; all they need to do is accept it. But it can’t be done lightly. There is a price to freedom and restoration. If you use the key, you will no longer be your own, but will belong to the Light. It was he who fought the enemy to gain the key. Badly injured in the battle, he sacrificed himself so that every prisoner could be free. You will live your life for him. But he is a loving master whose ways are gentle. But it is your choice to make.”

     The girl sat silently for a while. “Why did you say your scars were beautiful?” The counselor smiled, “They are beautiful to me because they are proof of healing. Every time I see them I am reminded of his great love for me. Your scars can be beautiful too.”

     She looked at her counselor and saw her peace and contentment. Then she looked at herself. Never in her life could she remember feeling happy or loved. She decided she did not want to remain the way she was. “I’m ready. Please take me to him. I want to be set free.”

Outreach programs are a very important part of spreading the gospel. It will always be vital to help others in their times of need. But often when we have fed the hungry, clothed the poor and treated illnesses or injury, they are not open to receiving the good news. We Christians can often appear perfect on the outside. The truly hurting can’t imagine that we would have any ability to relate to their situation. We need to be transparent about who we really are. Never be afraid to take off your emotional jacket and let your beautiful scars show. They are proof of our healing from the mess we once were. Seeing them can break through the stone walls of wounded hearts, allowing Him to be seen in a new and more meaningful way. No matter what mess you came from before He unlocked the chains of your bondage, your story can touch a life. God can take what was once your mess and turn it into a message of hope.