Birds of a Feather

Lois, my mother in law, enjoys watching the varied birds that visit her yard. She has spent many moments enjoying their antics from her kitchen window as they frolic and splash in the backyard birdbath. Recently, however, she’s discovered there’s a down side to her feathered friends. Two birds enjoyed her yard so much they built a nest near her front door. At first she welcomed the addition, that is, until they began to leave her little messy presents all over the sidewalk and door mat. As visitors they were fun but as permanent residents they’d become a nuisance. 

Thoughts are a lot like birds. They flit in and out of our mind all day going wherever they will. Many emerge from our lighter side but others, the harmful ones hatch from eggs of darkness. They too come in many varities and enter without our permission. One shouts a message of envy over a friend’s good fortune while another brings moans of sexual desire toward someone not our spouse. A different one whispers fears about the future while still another carries self-doubt and hopelessness in its beak. Those that  draw from the darkness within have great potential to do us harm. The longer they fly around our mind, the more damage they cause.

When we dwell on unhealthy thoughts, we encourage them to remain. We can’t control if and when these dark creatures fly into our consciousness but we can stop them from building nests. We can chase them away as soon as they arrive. If a bird takes up residence in an undesired location, they are caught and relocated. So too must we take our unhealthy thoughts captive as soon as they flitter into our mind and replace them with Godly ones following the precepts of Philippians 4:8 which tells us "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Some unhealthy thoughts may be such a regular part of our self-talk that multiple generations of these dark creatures have shared the same nest. The longer they live within us, the more damaging and the harder they are to eradicate. But if we are intentional, with the power of the Holy Spirit living inside us and the strength of God’s word, every one can be eradicated.

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10: 5

Math to the Higher Power

Danielle’s daddy has always been ready to help her. When she first began to learn math, he was there to make a game of addition and subtraction. As she moved through elementary school, division and multiplication were practiced with flash cards and laughter. Now she’s in algebra, and he’s always ready to answer a question or walk through a formula. As a good daddy, he’ll always be there when she needs him. Has it been a while since you studied math? Take this quiz and test your skills.

     Math Quiz:

1 + 1=?
Was your answer 2? That one was easy. It’s the first math lesson we learn.
1 x 0 =?
Did you answer 0, relying on the rule that zero times any number is always zero? 
(5+2) x 1=?
Was your answer 7, following the rule to solve what’s in the parenthesis first? 
x 1=?
It will take a while to work this one out, infinity actually.

When we study math in school, we begin with the basics, addition and subtraction, and progress to the higher levels of algebra and calculus. But even if you majored in it at college, there’s still another type of math you’ve likely never studied in school. God has His own form of math, Math to the Higher Power. It’s one that goes far beyond the laws of earthly calculations. As the Creator of time and space, He is not bound by their principles or linear equations. Let’s take a look at our quiz again, this time applying God’s math. We’ll find our answers entirely different.

Math to the Higher Power

Applying God’s mathematical principles, 1 + 1 no longer equals two. When He joins a man and a woman together in marriage, the two become one. No longer is there yours or mine, in God’s eyes there is only our.

Under God’s mathematical law the answer is not zero but infinity. Out of nothing, God formed all of creation. He can take your nothing and make anything, for with God all things are possible.

(5+2) x1=?
With earthly computation, this is just a single digit. Using higher power math, Jesus multiplied five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feed 5,000 men and still have leftovers. No matter the need your God can meet it.

What appears to be an infinitely large number is reduced to zero by the laws of God’s math. No matter how many sins we have, when we repent, accepting Jesus as our savior, every single one is wiped clean from our slate. No sin is too great to be forgiven.

Like Danielle's dad, your heavenly Daddy is there for you when the equations in life don’t seem to add up. Using Math to the Higher Power, He’ll help you find the perfect solution to every problem.