Called to Be the Light

In America, today is the inauguration of our new president, elected in the most hotly contested election in our history, in a time of great division and stress. It is said his administration’s 100-day plan will “usher in the most aggressive, socialized agenda” in our history. This comes on top of 10 months of a pandemic with over 400 thousand deaths, civil unrest, and various lockdowns which have led to massive financial strain on everyday people. There are currently 20,000 troops deployed to our nation’s capital, 4 times the number we have in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Big tech has censored many with opposing views, and cancel culture is raging. It’s an unsettling time. It’s an unprecedented time.

But it’s a time God has chosen to placed us in. Whether we like it or not, you and I were apparently created for such a time as this. Click to read more